John Thompson joined Shane Vander Hart in the studio.

Shane Vander Hart flew solo this week on Caffeinated Thoughts Radio but had a show packed full of guests. What do Jake Porter, the former Libertarian candidate for Governor and current executive director of the Libertarian Party of Iowa, and Iowa Governor Terry Branstad have in common? They both use Blackberry phones. That’s probably about it.

Beyond being teased by Shane for using a Blackberry, they discussed the change of status for the Libertarian Party of Iowa and what that means for the future.

John Thompson, Iowa Republican State Central Committee Member and candidate for State Treasurer, stopped by the studio to talk to Shane about his background, his campaign, and challenges he sees the Republican Party of Iowa possibly having the next two election cycles.

Andy Foster also called in to discuss his perspective on the tension on the Korean Peninsula.  Foster served five years in South Korea, stationed there with the U.S. Army. He explained the danger South Korea (the Republic of Korea) faces if the United States enters into a conflict with the North Koreans.

Caffeinated Thoughts Radio live streamed while recording on Friday morning. You can watch that below. We plan to do this every Friday morning starting around 10:10a.

Remember, you can listen on air at 8:00a and 6:00p on Saturdays on The Truth Network 99.3 FM if you live in the Des Moines Metro area. You can also listen online live here.  Also, our podcast of the radio show can be found on iTunesGoogle Play MusicStitcher or TuneIn. You can also subscribe to the podcast on your Android-based phone.

Also please consider partnering with us by sponsoring a week of programming or through your business, church, ministry or organization consider becoming a monthly sponsor of Caffeinated Thoughts Radio.

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