Shane Vander Hart and Kelvey Vander Hart in the 99.3fm The Truth studio.
Shane Vander Hart and Kelvey Vander Hart in the 99.3fm The Truth studio.
Photo credit: Chris Rohloff

On Caffeinated Thoughts Radio this week, Shane Vander Hart, joined by his daughter Kelvey who is back home from college on Summer break, discussed the Equality Act with Terry Schilling, the executive director of American Principles Project.  Schilling believes such legislation would end religious liberty as we know it.

Schilling also discussed a piece he wrote calling on the U.S. Senate to end the filibuster.

Shane and Kelvey then spoke to Dr. Kristin Held, a practicing ophthalmologist, ophthalmic surgeon, and a clinical professor of ophthalmology at the University of Texas in San Antonio. She discussed what insurance companies and hospitals do to raise the cost of health care. She said that the insurance company lobby and hospital lobby were the biggest winners in the American Health Care Act that barely passed the U.S. House this week.

Shane and Kelvey then discussed a Staples store that refused to print a flyer for a Christian-based government class. Then President Donald Trump took to Twitter this week in response to Hillary Clinton blaming her loss on the FBI. They also discussed President Trump’s latest executive order promoting free speech and religious liberty. Also in segment three, Shane points out the impact Obamacare has made on the individual insurance market in Iowa.

Finally, Shane reminded viewers that Caffeinated Thoughts Radio could only stay on the air through the generosity of our sponsors. The last fiscal year (May 1, 2016-April 30, 2017) we ran a deficit. This fiscal year we are in stronger shape, but to remain strong, we need partners. Shane asked listeners to consider sponsoring a week of our show, as well as, referring us to groups, organizations, businesses and churches who could become monthly sponsors.

Be sure to catch the live stream from when we record (usually starting between 10:10a – 10:15a CT on Fridays).

Remember, you can listen on air at 8:00a and 6:00p on Saturdays on The Truth Network 99.3 FM if you live in the Des Moines Metro area. You can also listen online live here.  Also, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunesGoogle Play MusicStitcherTuneIn, or on your Android-based phone.

Also please consider partnering with us by sponsoring a week of programming or through your business, church, ministry or organization consider becoming a monthly sponsor of Caffeinated Thoughts Radio.

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