The Dutch Royal Airlines (KLM) over the weekend posted on Twitter and Facebook the following picture to mark Amsterdam Pride Day.

I am pretty sure that if KLM offered the options above they would be cited for all sorts of safety violations. There is only one way you can click it to be safe.

Unbeknownst to whoever thought this was a clever meme to use they point it points out the obvious, only one way is designed to work. I’m still not sure why some companies insist on wading into issues like this. They have LGBTQ-friendly policies without flaunting it. They may make a group that represents a minuscule percentage of the world’s population happy while risking offending a much, much larger group who isn’t prone to celebrate gay pride.

Honestly, I don’t really care if KLM or other agencies hire homosexuals or offer benefits to same-sex couples. I don’t, as someone who has flown on KLM operated flights, want it thrown in my face. It’s a stupid business practice.

Some of the responses to this picture perfectly demonstrate what a social media fail this meme was, here are a few examples:

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