just watched a new ad that is one of the worst political ads I’ve seen (and I’ve seen a lot). The Latino Victory FundĀ released the ad called “American Nightmare” in Virginia’s contentious gubernatorial race over the weekend. It portrays supporters of Virginia Republican Gubernatorial CandidateĀ Ed Gillespie as Confederates attempting to run down minority children.
The ad shows a truck with a confederate flag and Ed Gillespie bumper sticker chasing down minority children who tell other children they encounter to run.
TheĀ children, trapped between a fence and the truck they are running from, wake up from their nightmare.
The narrator in the ad then says, “Is this what Donald Trump and Ed Gillespie mean by the American Dream?” They then show a couple watching a white supremacist march on TV.
The graphics in the ad then encourages voters to “reject hate” and vote on November 7.
Update: They took the video down from YouTube and Twitter, but I was able to find someone who snagged it before they did.
Latino Victory Fund, founded by actress Eva Longoria and Henry R. MuƱoz III,Ā describe themselves as “a progressive political action committee with the mission of growing Latino political power by increasing Latino representation at every level of government ā from the school board to the Senate to the White House. Latino Victory identifies, recruits, and develops candidates for public office while building a permanent base of Latino donors to support them. Partnering with leading organizations, it shapes public discourse in a way that reflects the growing influence of the Latino community while also building cross-constituency alliances that can move the country forward.”
Apparently, fear mongering moves the country forward. This ad is completely shameful and has to be a new low. Ralph Northam, the Democratic candidate in Virginia’s gubernatorial race, and Virginia Democratic Party should denounce this ad.