Dr. James Dobson: founder & president of Family Talk.
Dr. James Dobson: founder & president of Family Talk.

Christian psychologist and radio personality Dr. James Dobson raised the ire of the left, as well as, some evangelicals who were “Never Trump” during the election when he called for a day of prayer and fasting in order to prevent the potential impeachment of President Donald Trump.

He made these remarks during a “First Friday” conference call with Intercessors of America.

Prior to leading those on the call in prayer, he recalled his meeting with President Trump along with other religious leaders last month. He said he “felt sorry for the man” since he was constantly under fire. “He faces the combined opposition from the mainstream media, from members of Congress—both Democrats and Republicans, not all of them, but many of them—the entertainment industry – the special interest groups – who seem determined to bring him down,” Dobson said while noting that Trump brought some of that upon himself.

Dobson also said, “this country will be in serious trouble if they’re successful in impeaching this man.”

“My purpose this morning is not political in nature. I’m not calling for prayer for the President as such. I’m calling to pray for him, but my concern is for the nation itself. We all rise in the President’s boat. In a matter of speaking it is one of the most powerful institutions established by our founding fathers. And I’m saying that if our President is thrown out of office it will create chaos that will touch every dimension of the country,” he added.

“The Lord played a role in the election of Donald Trump,” Dobson also noted. “He was raised up for such a time as this.”

“It seemed evident on election night that the Lord gave us victory. So Lord, if that is true, we ask you to protect our president from anything that could hurt him,” Dobson said as he led the group in prayer.

Listen to his full remarks and prayer below:

First, scripture is abundantly clear that we should prayer for our leaders. The Apostle Paul wrote:

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, (1 Timothy 2:1-4, ESV).

So yes we should pray for President Donald Trump, just like Christians were called to pray for Presidet Barack Obama, President George W. Bush, President Bill Clinton and so on and so forth. We should also pray for all of our elected officials.

The presidency is a burden and our elected officials make decisions that impact us all.

Intercessors of America noted some of Dobson’s prayer points:

  • Lord, speak to President Trump’s heart.
  • Draw him relentlessly to you.
  • Give him wisdom and strength to handle his daily responsibilities.
  • Give him wisdom in international relations, especially regarding North Korea, Iran, and Israel.
  • Protect this nation and his family from danger.
  • Bless our churches, schools, farms, businesses, military, and institutions.
  • Pray for this generation of children who have been subjected to wickedness that we have never seen in our history.
  • Pray for our country, founded on the Bible—may God lead us in perilous days, revitalize the Church, fill our hearts with love, and soften the hearts of people for spiritual renewal.

I think those are incredibly appropriate things to pray for when praying for President Trump. If this was all that Dr. Dobson said I personally wouldn’t have any problems with that. The left, well, many on the left will look at anything like this with scorn. Unfortunately, Dr. Dobson did not limit himself to those talking points.

Second, impeaching a sitting President is a serious matter and it can cause serious damage to the office of the presidency. The process should not be politicized. Unfortunately, Dr. Dobson didn’t have the same concern when it came to President Bill Clinton who actually was impeached. Dr. Dobson had much to say about moral character, but that seems to be overlooked with President Donald Trump. (Granted, Clinton had an affair in the Oval Office with an intern and Trump has been accused of no such thing.)

I’m not convinced that President Trump will be impeached (does Dr. Dobson know something the rest of us don’t?). For a legitimate impeachment, one actually has to have evidence of that he commited an offense worthy of impeachment.

I wrote back in August:

Article II, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution says, “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

If you are unfamiliar with the Impeachment process only one President has been impeached in my lifetime – President Bill Clinton the second President to be impeached in our history (President Andrew Johnson was the first). President Richard Nixon following Watergate was headed down that road, but he resigned first. The House of Representatives vote on Articles of Impeachment. Think of them as a grand jury so to speak and the articles of impeachment are the charges. If they vote in favor of one or more articles of impeachment then a trial is held in the Senate per Article I, Section of 3 with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presiding.

If the Senate convicts, then the President is removed from office. The Senate has never convicted a President.

So I ask again, impeach President Trump for what? Being offended by him? Disagreeing with his policies? (I said the same thing to some of my fellow conservatives when they were crying for President Obama’s impeachment.)

There is not any evidence at this time that shows he has committed “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” The standard is high, and it should be. The impeachment process is not meant to be a kangaroo court nor should it be politicized.

I still feel the same. Now if this changes, that leads me to my third point.

Third, if there is evidence that President Donald Trump committed an impeachable offense, we should pray for justice because no man is above the law. I believe that God raise up leaders and he takes them back down. Who is to say that the impeachment of Donald Trump isn’t God’s will?

In the case this happenes (and I don’t think it will) we should pray for justice and that God’s will be done whether it is impeachment and conviction, a failed impeachment vote, or impeachment and acquittal by the Senate.

In the meantime, we should pray for Robert Mueller’s investigation to root out truth, actual truth, and that he would follow that truth wherever it shall lead whether it good or bad for the President.

We shouldn’t pray that he won’t be impeached simply because we think he’s “our guy.” Regardless of what happens to President Trump, God is on His throne and in control. Just like he is with every election regardless of who wins whether that is a Democrat or a Republican. We need not fear. (Besides, I doubt President Mike Pence would be a bad thing for Christians.)

Pray for wisdom. Pray for God’s gudiance. Pray that God would draw Trump to Himself. Pray also, that God’s will be on done “on earth as it is in heaven.”

Then trust in God’s providence.

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