Tucker Carlson during his show on Fox News on Wednesday night kicked off a series focusing on men in America. He points out that men in America are in crisis pointing out some frightening stats such as the increase in the number of suicides, depression, drug addiction, and alcoholism. He points out that men are less likely to go to grad school, more likely to be obese, and have higher unemployment numbers. Physically an average 40-year-old male in 2017 has 30 percent decrease in testosterone levels than a 40-year-old male in 1987 did. He notes a drop in sperm counts (which, by the way, is a severe long-term problem).

He says that this is an issue that you never see discussed in the media and he is right. He pointed out that he could not find any federally-funded study at the National Institutes of Health (Update: My original paraphrase was incomplete – they couldn’t find a single NIH study on why testosterone levels are falling, yes there are NIH funded for men, but none for this particular topic). There is a focus on providing opportunities for women and girls, but men are considered okay.

(2nd Update: Fact-checking by former CT contributor Dustin Krutsinger, who is a physician, found four NIH-funded studies on the subject of declining testosterone levels. He stopped after finding four studies.)

He asks, “are they really?”

Watch his opening remarks below as he goes through these sobering stats.

He then interviews Jordan Petersen, a professor at the University of Toronto, who has written a lot about the decline of modern men. Petersen believes that ideological policies that focus on de-emphasizing masculinity are part of the problem. Watch the interview below:

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