In this episode of the Caffeinated Thoughts Podcast, our host Shane Vander Hart talks to Zach Whiting, one of the three Republicans running to win the GOP nomination in order to challenge State Senator David Johnson (I-Ocheydan) in Iowa Senate District 1.

Whiting’s bio on this website reads:

A native of Spirit Lake, Zach is a fifth generation Northwest Iowan whose family has deep roots in agriculture, education, and community and public service. His parents are Bryon and Cyndie Whiting of Spirit Lake. Bryon works for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and Cyndie is a stay at home mom.  His grandparents are Bill and Sharon Whiting of Ruthven and Ron and Jo Ann Hendricks of Rockwell City.  Bill is a retired school teacher who continues to substitute teach and referee local high school athletics.  Jo Ann recently retired after many years on the city council in Rockwell City, and Ron and his family have farmed in rural Calhoun County for decades.

Zach has been married to his wife, Juliana, for four years and they have one son.  He is a licensed Iowa attorney and currently serve as a Policy Advisor for Congressman Steve King, based out of the Spencer district office.

He previously served as a Legislative Assistant in the Washington, D.C. office, handling a diverse portfolio of issues including judiciary, values, regulations and administrative law, immigration, environment, transportation, telecommunications, as well as health care, defense, veterans, homeland security, and small business.  He also served as Congressman King’s staffer on the House Committee on the Judiciary and the Task Force on Executive Overreach, which was chaired by Congressman King.

Zach graduated from Spirit Lake High School in May 2006.  After graduation he accepted a scholarship to attend Stetson University.  He graduated from Stetson in May 2010, summa cum laude with Phi Beta Kappa distinction, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science.

After graduating from college, Zach ran for a seat in the Iowa House of Representatives, narrowly losing the Republican primary by 55 votes to Representative Jeff Smith.

After the election, Zach worked as the Northwest Iowa Field Director for the Republican Party of Iowa before attending law school.  He graduated from the Regent University School of Law in May 2014 with a Juris Doctor degree.  During law school he worked as a Law Clerk at the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ).  He served as Articles Editor of a law review and had a constitutional law article published in a faith-based law journal.  He was also a Renoud Family Constitutional Law Scholar and a member of the Law School Honor Council.

They discuss why Whiting decided to run to serve Iowa Senate District 1, his qualifications and experience, where he stands on life, education, taxes, spending, and religious liberty.

We also plan to interview Brad Price and Jesse Wolfe who are also running in the Republican primary for Iowa Senate District 1, as well as, candidates in other contested primaries in order to help educate our listeners prior to the June 5th primary.

Listen to the podcast:

Update: We interviewed the second candidate in the three-way GOP race in Iowa Senate District 1 – Brad  Price – you can listen here.

2nd Update: We interviewed the third candidate in the three-way GOP race in Iowa Senate District 1 – Jesse Wolfe – you can listen here.

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