You can argue against pornography for any number of reasons and perspectives. Theology, science, psychology-whatever angle you want to take, there is a case to be made. However, while all reasons to stand opposed to the consumption of porn and the industry it has created are valid and good in their own respect, there is a tendency to ignore the underlying darkness that threads itself throughout the entire industry:

Human trafficking.

ā€œPorn is to trafficking as cigarettes are to cancer,ā€ is a common slogan used by Fight The New Drug (FTND), an anti-porn organization that is working to educate and motivate people against the industry and personal porn consumption. In an effort to help people understand how using porn feeds human trafficking, FTND has launched a May campaign labeled #StopTheDemand.

The #StopTheDemand campaign capitalizes on connecting the dots between porn use and a greater demand for trafficked human beings (in a more clear description, SLAVES). This is done through four methods/objectives:

Cultivating Education

The first step to changing an epidemic is learning about it. FTNDā€™s first goal is to educate people so that they are enlightened to the horrors of human trafficking and how ā€œharmlessā€ porn use in the United States encourages such slavery. They do this by sharing stories and statistics, such as:

  • 49% of trafficking survivors say pornography was made of them while they were enslaved, a study shows.
  • The average age trafficking victims are forced into pornography production is 12.8 years old, a study shows.
  • 63% of underage sex trafficking victims say they were advertised or sold online, a study shows.

Activism Fundraising

The #StopTheDemand campaign was also created to help fundraise in an order to provide money to people who are fighting back against trafficking worldwide. The current goal set forth by FTND is to raise $10,000 for a shelter in Nepal that helps rehabilitate people rescued from sexual slavery. This money will go to things such as shelter expenses, therapy, and enabling the survivors to live normal lives once again. You can donate here.

Recovery Support

FTNDā€™s goal isnā€™t simply to make people feel bad about their porn use and then leave them without resources. Throughout this campaign, the organization continues to do something they have always done: help enable people to recover and get rid of pornā€™s grip on their lives. Whether thatā€™s through their digital Fortify app or the FIGHTERS resources they offer on their site, changing personal habits is very much an objective of this campaign.

Raising Awareness

Finally, education and personal conviction lead to wanting to raise awareness, and FTND provides several ways for people to get involved and do so. Whether that be by sharing stories, articles, or videos published by the organization across social media or wearing a conversation-inducing clothing item from their online store, awareness can be raised in a plethora of creative ways.

Take the time to head over to Fight The New Drugā€™s website and learn more about this campaign. Thousands of people are trapped by the injustice that is slavery, and there is a modern American epidemic that is fueling this trafficking. Learn what YOU can do to help change the world and save a life.

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