U.S. Senator Joni Ernst with Travis Mills.

(Boone, Iowa) On Saturday, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) held her 4th annual Roast and Ride. The event kicked off at Big Barn Harley Davidson in Des Moines with a ride honoring veterans and patriots, with nearly 450 motorcycle riders participating. The proceeds from ticket sales for the ride will be donated to the Travis Mills Foundation, an organization that provides an all-inclusive, and all-expenses-paid retreat for veterans and their families.

PYour story of service and sacrifice is an inspiration to us all and your commitment to supporting fellow veterans from across the country – including right here in Iowa – is the true meaning of brotherly love,” Ernst said of Travis Mills.

Joni Ernst visiting with riders before they departed on their 49 mile motorcycle ride to the Central Iowa Expo.

The nearly 450 motorcycle riders then traveled about 50 miles to the Central Iowa Expo in Boone for a family-friendly hog roast, where nearly 1000 attendees heard from Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, special guest Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-South Carolina), and Ernst.

South Carolina Congressman and Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Trey Gowdy speaks to Iowans at Joni’s Roast and Ride.

In her address, Ernst thanked folks for their support and highlighted the recent achievements of Governor Kim Reynolds and the Republican party: “Republicans have produced so many achievements for the people of Iowa. And, we have been keeping our promises to the American people . . . We have: provided the best support for our military in 15 years; created the strongest economy in 18 years; and, delivered the lowest taxes in 31 years!”

Joni Ernst addresses a crowd of around 1000 attendees during the roast portion of Roast and Ride.

Ernst continued, “Congress and the administration are working together to help rural America. Work that will continue for years to come. Work that couldn’t happen without your support.”

Joni Ernst thanks folks for attending her 4th Annual Roast and Ride.
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