Photo credit: Shane Vander Hart

Editor’s note: This article from Jenifer Bowen is the first in a weekly educational series entitled “Did You Know” launched by Right Life Action. Each week they will explore hot topics related to the pro-life movement in the state.

Did you know?

In 2007, there were 6,648 unborn babies killed. In 2016, 3,722 babies lost their lives to abortion.

Yes, that is just shy of 50 percent drop in 10 years!

What factors play into this decrease? 

Certainly, there are many — educational outreaches by pro-lifers, the growth of pregnancy resource centers — ultrasound technology and social media certainly play no small part in educating us on the humanity of unborn children. Further, in recent years we have begun to see life-saving legislation finally become law. There are so many reasons why LIFE is again winning in Iowa.

I submit there is one reason that rises above all others. Women, often faced with seemingly innumerable obstacles, are choosing life for their children. They are rejecting the lie that to be successful in life they must end the life of the tiny child growing inside their womb. We applaud their courage. 

We cannot know if this is an all-time low as Iowa did not track abortion statistics prior to 2004. With abortion thrust on our nation in 1973 via Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, there is no way to quantify how many babies lost their lives in Iowa.

In the coming weeks, we will take a deeper look at these numbers. For today, we will rejoice that an increasing number of women are rejecting abortion!

A Complete Listing of Recorded Abortions in Iowa to Date:

2016: 3,722 
2015: 3,989
2014: 4,020
2013: 4,423
2012: 4,648
2011: 4,815
2010: 5,399
2009: 5,833
2008: 6,478
2007: 6,648
2006: 6,728
2005: 5,881
2004: 6,022

68,606 babies lost their lives to abortion during this time. How devastating.

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