Photo Credit: Mark Stevens (CC-By-NC-SA 2.0)

Photo Credit: Mark Stevens (CC-By-NC-SA 2.0)

The Trump Administration announced a preliminary trade deal with Mexico as they attempt to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) initially agreed to in 1994. 

The Trump Administration says the new deal “modernizes and rebalances” the trade relationship between the two countries to “reflect the realities of the 21st Century.”

They state that the agreement creates a more reciprocal trade that will grow the economy, supports high-paying jobs for American workers, and protects American intellectual property.  The new trade agreement is, the White House says, “a mutually beneficial win for North American farmers, ranchers, workers, and businesses.”

Several Republican elected officials from Iowa responded to the news. 

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds released the following statement:

I am encouraged by the announcement today from the White House that a preliminary trade agreement has been reached with Mexico. I look forward to seeing the final agreement. I believe today’s announcement is a step in the right direction to bring certainty to the business and farming communities. I am hopeful this agreement with Mexico will prompt Canada to rejoin negotiations.

Iowa farmers want free trade and open markets. As trade negotiations proceed, Iowa farmers will continue to do what they do best – produce. Our farmers are the most productive in the world and will always win when they have unrestricted access to markets. We are proud of our state’s ability to feed and fuel the world. I will continue to work tirelessly to make sure their voices are heard.

On behalf of Iowa farmers and businesses, I want to thank the president and his administration for taking the necessary steps to reach a deal with Mexico.

Congressman Rod Blum (R-Iowa) applauded the news:

Good to hear from the White House this morning about the progress we have made with Mexico regarding trade. Mexico is one of Iowa’s top trading partners so this is certainly good news for Iowa, Iowa workers, and in particular, our agriculture community. I am now looking forward to our trading partner Canada joining the negotiations.

U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said he was encouraged by the news.

Mexico has been an important trading partner of the United States for decades, and farmers in Iowa have felt the sting of increased tariffs on products like pork and cheese. While the details of a preliminary agreement haven’t yet been released and I reserve final judgment until there is a final agreement that includes Canada, I am encouraged by the progress announced today. The sooner we get a new agreement in place, the sooner farmers and businesspeople across the country can focus on exporting American products to Canada and Mexico without concern of tariffs.

Update: Congressman David Young (R-Iowa) sent out a statement after publication.

I am hopeful the announcement of an updated trade agreement with the United States and Mexico is a better deal for Iowa agriculture and manufacturing. Mexico is an important trading partner, as is Canada, and I urge the administration to finalize an agreement with Canada soon which benefits the United States. I look forward to analyzing this latest trade agreement and getting feedback from Iowa agriculture and manufacturing to ensure it is a good deal for Iowa consumers and workers. And I’ll continue to encourage the administration to pursue bilateral trade agreements with other countries and open markets for Iowa’s goods and services.

2nd Update: I missed this response from U.S. Senator Joni Ernst in my inbox.

Mexico, Canada and the United States make up one of the most competitive and successful regional economic platforms in the world. Saddled with low commodity prices and escalating trade disputes, today’s announcement that the United States and Mexico have reached a two-way deal on trade is huge news for Iowa’s farmers and ranchers, and is a monumental step to help restore both market certainty and confidence across rural America.
While I am still reviewing the deal, the President’s fulfillment of a core promise to revamp trade deals brings more certainty to our markets, more money in our pockets, and more confidence to Iowa – and American – farmers, ranchers and manufacturers.

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