Congressman David Young (R-Iowa) stood up to his party when he voted against a bill which would have undercut the Americans with Disabilities Act and has introduced legislation to help Iowans who are blind access the technology they need to live more independent lives.

A new ad released in Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District race titled “The Omvigs” highlights Young’s work on behalf of Iowans with disabilities.   “Congressman Young has a clear record of advocating for Iowans with disabilities and pre-existing conditions and the Omvigs’ story highlights that record,” Dylan Lefler, Young for Iowa campaign manager, said.

Young’s bipartisan bill, the Access Technology Affordability Act, was introduced earlier this Congress and will help Iowans who are blind afford specialized and expensive access technology. This technology will help individuals who are blind use the same equipment other Iowans use every day for work and in their personal lives.

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