Photo credit: Gage Skidmore (CC-By-SA 2.0)
Photo credit: Gage Skidmore (CC-By-SA 2.0)

The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) endorsed Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, Lt. Governor Adam Gregg, and Secretary of State Paul Pate in the upcoming general election.

“Kim Reynolds is an unapologetic supporter of our Second Amendment freedoms,” Chris W. Cox, NRA-PVF chairman, said. “Iowans can trust her to fight for their freedoms.”

Reynolds supports the passage of a constitutional amendment to protect the Right to Keep and Bear Arms for future generations of Iowans. She rejects  firearms registration schemes, and opposes any legislation that would ban commonly owned semi-automatic firearms used for hunting, recreational shooting, and self-defense.  As a state legislator, Reynolds voted for important shall issue concealed carry legislation to protect the rights of law-abiding Iowans to defend themselves and their families. ​

Gregg, who is currently serving as acting lieutenant governor, has been a strong advocate for the Second Amendment throughout his career in public service.

“Adam Gregg is committed to defending Iowans constitutional right to self-protection and he respects Iowa’s rich hunting heritage as a valuable tool for wildlife management and conservation,” continued Cox.

 “On behalf of the NRA’s nearly six million members, I urge all NRA members, gun owners and sportsmen in Iowa to vote Kim Reynolds for governor, Adam Gregg for lieutenant governor, and Paul Pate for secretary of state on November 6th,” concluded Cox.​

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