Judge Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed as an Associate Justice to the Supreme Court by the U.S. Senate by a 50 to 48 vote on Saturday afternoon.

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) joined Republicans voting to confirm Kavanaugh. U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), who voted no on cloture on Friday, voted present to ensure U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT), who is in Montana for his daughter’s wedding, would not have to return to Washington if Manchin changed his mind.

President Donald Trump responded to the news:

Vice President Mike Pence tweeted the following statement:

U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) released the following statement:

Over the past several months, Senator Grassley has led a fair and just process for Judge Kavanaugh and the American people.   I want to thank him and the Judiciary Committee staff, for their hard work and diligent efforts.  Their work is important to the people that they serve – in our home state of Iowa, and across this great country.
We are lucky to live in the greatest country in the world – one where I am proud to serve my state and my country, in the Iowa National Guard and now as a U.S. Senator.  As a Senator, I am committed to protecting and upholding the ideals of our country, and I take that commitment very seriously.
Judge Kavanaugh is a highly-qualified justice committed to the rule of law and the United States Constitution.  I congratulate Judge Kavanaugh on being confirmed by the U.S. Senate for his lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court of the United States.

U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) spoke in support of Kavanaugh once again before the final vote and then tweeted after the vote:

Tom Felton, president of Judicial Watch, released the following statement:

In confirming Judge Kavanaugh the Senate has confirmed a good man with an impeccable record of honoring the U.S. Constitution. Judge Kavanaugh’s record shows him to be a believer in the rule of law, and I believe he will serve the American people with distinction.

We are grateful that a majority of the Senate rejected the leftist smears, abuse of process, and rejection of constitutional norms. Now there must be accountability for this lawless assault on our constitutional republic. Judicial Watch has launched an investigation into the Senate ethics and legal abuses by anti-Kavanaugh Senators. And we will continue to pursue our Senate ethics complaint against Sen. Booker for his admitted violation of Senate rules, the violation of which requires expulsion from the Senate.

Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America released the following statement:

This confirmation journey has been unlike anything I have ever witnessed. Thank you, President Trump, for choosing such an outstanding and exemplary nominee. What we saw play out over the last month was nothing more than an outrageous display of partisanship at the cost of a good man’s reputation. 

 But at the end of the day, truth and justice were victorious. I have been honored to stand alongside and represent half-a-million women who have supported Brett Kavanaugh since July 9. His record and his life of service withstood every salacious and unfounded attack. 

To the senators who endured threats for doing what is right, thank you. Thank you to Sen. Susan Collins who stood up for all women in that historic speech yesterday. To the staff on the hill who dealt with angry mobs at your desks, thank you. To Chairman Grassley, who saw the Judiciary Committee through this unprecedented charade, thank you for your strong and steady leadership. To Leader McConnell, who refused to be bullied, thank you.

Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee showed up. Our happy warrior/activist ladies did what they do best. Across the United States, hundreds of thousands of our leaders fought unwaveringly for months. They wrote letters, held rallies, traveled to town halls, and even showed up in D.C. I am proud to stand with them. 

Justice Kavanaugh, thank you for not giving up. We are praying for you and your beautiful family. You made a choice to sacrifice yourself for the good of this nation, and the American people saw that. There is no one more qualified or worthy to sit on this esteemed bench at this time.”

Carol Tobias, President of National Right to Life Committee, responded to the vote:

Today’s Senate vote is a victory for Judge Kavanaugh, and for the President, but also for the rule of law – it is a victory for all who believe that the federal courts should enforce the rights truly based on the text and history of the Constitution, and otherwise leave policy questions in the hands of elected legislators.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel released the following statement:

President Trump kept his promise by choosing an extremely qualified defender of the Constitution who will be a faithful advocate and champion for the rule of law. Justice Kavanaugh will make an excellent addition to the United States Supreme Court.
Senate Democrats’ motivations were clear from the beginning of Justice Kavanaugh’s nomination: delay, obstruct, and resist. Throughout this confirmation process, their tactics have been shameful and their intentions purely political. Unfortunately, their obstruction campaign has backfired. Republican voters are energized and the American people are ready and eager to hold obstructionist Democrats accountable for their reckless behavior in November.

Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, responded:

This is a great day for America after many days of unnecessary theatrics, delays and character assassination. As Judge Kavanaugh has repeatedly stated, his judicial philosophy is simple – judges must interpret the law, not make it. It is the right of the people, not judges, to amend the Constitution and the laws. This is most certainly a historic day for this nation.

SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser released the following statement:

We congratulate Justice Kavanaugh on his well-deserved and hard-earned confirmation. The balance of the Supreme Court has shifted back toward one that respects the will of the voters expressed through their representatives – a resounding victory for American people, who overwhelmingly trusted President Trump to choose Supreme Court nominees. As Justice Kavanaugh takes his seat on the bench of the nation’s highest court alongside Justice Neil Gorsuch, we are confident he will continue to rule with the same fairness and independence that have characterized his entire legal career. We thank President Trump for keeping his promise, as well as Leader McConnell and Chairman Grassley for their steadfast commitment to the truth and support for Kavanaugh.

Senate Democrats should be ashamed of exploiting human
 pain and the serious issue of sexual assault for a partisan political agenda. Only one vulnerable incumbent, Joe Manchin, stood up to Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein, and other pro-abortion party leaders while Joe Donnelly, Bill Nelson, Claire McCaskill, Heidi Heitkamp, and Jon Tester caved under pressure. Anyone who thinks the voters will forget this profound betrayal is greatly mistaken. Since July of last year, SBA List’s field team has reached more than 2 million voters at their homes in key battleground states and will be on the ground every day through Election Day. A majority of voters in these states have told our canvassers they support Judge Kavanaugh. Americans saw through the vilification of an exceptionally qualified nominee and their senators will be held accountable.

Update: Kavanaugh has now been sworn in.

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