Since I’ve been officially registered “no party” for several months I’ve been the recipient of all sorts of mailers from Democrats, Republicans, and advocacy groups. Oh, joy.

I received a mailer from NARAL Pro Choice America that left me disgusted. 

First, sending me this flier was a waste of money. This organization disgusts me, so, by all means, waste your money on me. I can use more kindling. 

Second, this flier is nothing but fear mongering. It’s technically correct because President Donald Trump when running for office indicated to Chris Matthews that he was open to punishing women:

Trump: “There has to be some form of punishment”

Matthews: For the woman?”

Trump: “Yeah.” 

His campaign backtracked on that when they received pushback from pro-life groups. Why did he receive pushback by pro-life groups? 

Because the mainstream pro-life community has never advocated punishing women. Ever. 

I’ve been writing about the life movement since 2006 and have been part of the pro-life movement much longer. In that time do you know how many pro-life bills I’ve seen at the federal or state level criminalizing mothers for getting an abortion?

Zero. Nada. Nil. None. Zip. Zilch. 

It’s never going to happen. 

NARAL then states on the flier, “Anti-choice extremists want to overturn Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that made abortion safe and legal, and criminalize abortion – even in the cases of rape and incest.”

Well, I’m not extreme, they are and polling shows that. Yes, it’s no secret that we want to see Roe v. Wade overturned, and we’ve pondered what post-Roe America and Iowa would look like. Initially, it would bring the debate back to the states where it belongs.

I’m not sure the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. I think Planned Parenthood v. Casey is probably at higher risk. In a nutshell, NARAL is more confident of Roe’s fate with this new Supreme Court than I am. I hope they are right.

Regarding criminalizing abortion even in cases of rape and incest, yes we would like to, punish abortionists, not mothers. That said, President Trump is on the record as being in favor of exceptions in cases of rape and incest and not every member of Congress agrees with eliminating exceptions so the chances of getting a bill passed without exceptions I think is slim and none..

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