From left: Congressman Dave Loebsack (D-Iowa) and Dr. Christopher Peters.

Following Congressman Dave Loebsack (D-Iowa) withdrew from a debate scheduled this Saturday at St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Dr. Christopher Peters, the Republican challenger in Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District race, renewed his call for a debate with all candidates who will appear on the ballot.

“Congressman Loebsack withdrew from the debate because he had a change of heart about leaving Libertarian candidate Mark Strauss out of the event. With this reservation in mind, I would like to invite Mr. Loebsack, Mr. Strauss, and independent candidate Daniel Clark to a forum,” Peters said. “With all candidates included and no campaign left behind by exclusionary rules, voters can hear where all candidates stand on the issues, and nobody’s voice is silenced. I welcome a dialogue with all candidates and all opinions, and hope Congressman Loebsack will as well.”

This move by the Peters campaign comes days after the Loebsack campaign announced they would not be participating without the presence of Mark Strauss. The Loebsack campaign did not request Daniel Clark be in attendance. 

“If Dave’s withdrawal is over legitimate concerns regarding the exclusion of third party candidates, I look forward to participating in a forum where all candidates are welcome,” Peters added. “If Congressman Loebsack once again refuses to participate, it will be apparent that his refusal to debate is nothing more than political grandstanding by a representative who is concerned about losing his seat.”

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