Iowans work hard every day and as we grow older, we want to know we can retire with dignity and have what we need to retire in comfort with happiness. As I travel across Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District, I speak with many seniors who want to know if Social Security and Medicare is under the threat of being cut. And I tell them – ‘not under my watch.’

Our government made a promise to the people – if folks worked hard and paid into Social Security and Medicare, it would be there for them when they retired. For decades, this has been the case, and it still is. 

Whether speaking with older Iowans at a townhall or at one of my 16 county stops each month, I share with Iowans my unwavering commitment to never cut Social Security or Medicare and never privatize these critical programs. 

We must strengthen Social Security and Medicare so we can make sure these promises are kept and the programs are available to future generations of Iowans. This will take a bipartisan effort that is transparent and gives Iowans and all Americans the opportunity to give input and understand the process.

If we don’t act to strengthen these critical and promised programs, current beneficiaries will only get 80 percent of their benefits and the Medicare and Social Security won’t be around for future generations. Together, we can ensure the strength of these programs to everyone who works hard so they can retire with dignity and know the government will keep its promise them on Social Security and Medicare.

In Congress, I’ve worked to make sure the State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) is funded so seniors have the resources they need to make informed health care decisions. Medicare beneficiaries can also rely on SHIP to help them navigate the complexities of Medicare to ensure they are maximizing their benefits.

And every year I’ve been your representative in Congress, I’ve held Senior Security and Wellness Expos across the Third District. These events serve as a one-stop shop for seniors and their caregivers to explore and learn about the resources available to them from federal, state, and local governments as well as non-profit organizations.

Should Congress consider legislation impacting seniors, health care, or retirement issues, I will always fight for Iowans and ensure their benefits are protected. I won’t support cutting Social Security and Medicare benefits as we work in a bipartisan way to make sure these programs are solvent for decades into the future. As always, if you have any questions or concerns about Social Security, Medicare, health care, retirement issues, or anything else, please reach out to my office by visiting

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