WARNING: Graphic content below.

“Gosnell” hit movie theaters across the country a few weeks ago.
This movie focuses on late-term abortion monster, Kermit Gosnell, who was tried and convicted in 2013 and is now spending the rest of his natural life in prison.

Kermit Gosnell

Gosnell was reportedly not very good at ending the lives of babies in the womb. So he devised a horrific solution. He delivered the babies, and then he killed them. He called it “ensuring fetal demise.” He “ensured fetal demise” by sticking scissors into the back of a living, breathing baby’s neck and cut their spinal cord. He callously called it “snipping.” (Kermit Gosnell Grand Jury, Page 4.)

While Gosnell stood trial, Planned Parenthood tried to fool Americans with their faux shock.

“I’ve never heard of this anywhere else. There aren’t Gosnells operating all over the country. This case is as unusual as it is unspeakable.” Eric Ferrero, VP of Communications, Planned Parenthood Federation of America (Des Moines Register, April 22, 2013.)

Planned Parenthood knew they were lying. 

One example is their Iowa “Medical Director”, abortionist Jill Meadows. Hired in 2010, Meadows is so much like Kermit Gosnell, it’s frightening.
Meadows’ work, including twisting and tearing apart live babies in the womb and crushing their skull, is documented in the 2007 Supreme Court Case Carhart vs. Gonzalez. (She was then known as Jill Vibhakar.)

Dr. Jill Meadows
Photo Credit: Dan Hodges/Lincoln Journal Star

“Dr. Vibhakar (Meadows) has had two cases at 18 or 19 and 21 weeks where the fetus has delivered intact up to the head, after which she disarticulated the body from the head, used forceps to compress the fetal head and extracted the head.” (Carhart vs. Gonzalez, Tr. 341-42 and 381-83, Test. Dr. Vibhakar.)

When Dr. Vibhakar (Meadows) begins a D&E, she “cannot predict whether it will come out largely intact or in pieces.” Dr. Vibhakar testified that “100% of her second trimester D&E procedures involve fetal dismemberment.” (Carhart vs. Gonzalez, Tr. 362, Test. Dr. Vibhakar)

Think it can’t get worse?

The Carhart testimony further reveals that Jill Meadows does not care if babies are alive during her abortions!

“Before Dr. Vibhakar (Meadows) begins a second-trimester D&E, the fetus is likely alive, as documented by an ultrasound performed either a day or a few weeks before the procedure. Dr. Vibhakar does not know when fetal demise occurs during her procedures, nor is there any clinical significance to when demise occurs in her opinion.” (Tr. 346, Test. Dr. Vibhakar)

Nor is there any clinical significance” if the baby is alive or dead when she dismembers them.

Remember this brutality when you hear Fred Hubbell, candidate for Iowa Governor, say that Planned Parenthood has “a special place in my heart.”

Iowa’s Planned Parenthood continues to literally rip babies apart in the womb, both in Iowa City and Des Moines at their “surgical abortion” facilities. And Fred Hubbell can’t keep himself from bragging about his allegiance to them.

Learn more about Fred Hubbell’s extremist abortion views at: WrongWayFred.org.

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