Photo credit: Gage Skidmore

Ben Shapiro, the host of the popular Ben Shapiro Show and founder of The Daily Wire, said he would donate to Congressman Steve King’s challenger Randy Feenstra in the Iowa 4th Congressional District Republican Primary and encouraged others to do the same.

He highlighted a tweet quoting King defending the terms “white nationalist” and “white supremacist” in a New York Times article published today:

“White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?” Mr. King said. “Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?”

Shapiro said that Congress should censure King and that he should be primaried.

Upon learning that King is being challenged in the Republican primary, Shapiro then said he would donate to Feenstra and encouraged others to do the same.

Shapiro has defended the King in the past. He wrote an op/ed in 2017 saying the media were lying when they accused the Congressman of racism when he discussed the upsurge of Muslim immigration to Europe and the growing popularity of Dutch politician Geert Wilders in a tweet that Shapiro said was awkwardly written.

King tweeted:

Shapiro wrote:

King’s phraseology is awkward, no doubt. But the point he’s trying to make is not one that the Left attributes to him. Here’s Angela Merkel circa December 2015: “Multiculturalism leads to parallel societies and therefore remains a ‘life lie,’ or a sham … The challenge is immense. We want and we will reduce the number of refugees noticeably.” Is Merkel a white nationalist or white supremacist?

The deep desire to paint Republicans as racists rather than defenders of Western cultural superiority leads the media to lie. People should read and listen to King’s actual words before jumping on the bandwagon.

Caffeinated Thoughts had interviewed King about that tweet as well where he emphasized he meant culture, not race.

Since President Trump’s election, King has made statements that have earned criticism from fellow Republicans and conservatives, not just liberals, leading to this primary challenge.

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

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