On Wednesday, April 24, U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, will host town hall meetings in Jasper and Bremer Counties as part of her 99 County Tour for 2019. Both town hall meetings will be open to the public.

Also on Wednesday, Ernst will participate in a round table discussion on trade with Iowa-based businesses and farmers in Iowa County that is also open to the public.

Event information below:

Jasper County: Town Hall Meeting in Newton at 9:00 AM at the DMACC Auditorium (600 North 2nd Ave. W., Newton, IA 50208).

Iowa County: Farmers for Free Trade Roundtable at 11:30 AM at the Kinze Innovation Center (2172 M Avenue, Williamsburg, IA 52361)

Bremer County: Town Hall Meeting in Waverly at 4:30 PM at Waverly-Shell Rock Senior High School Auditorium (1405 4th Avenue SW, Waverly, IA 50677).

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