For this episode of The Caffeinated Thoughts Podcast, our host Shane Vander Hart highlights some clips from the MSNBC climate forum on Thursday at Georgetown University.

Before that, Shane discusses two rulings that impact religious liberty, the whistleblower scandal, and yet another gaffe by former Vice President Joe Biden.

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This show is sponsored by the American Principles Project, a conservative political think tank in Washington, D.C. American Principles Project believes that human dignity should be at the heart of public policy. They work in all 50 states and in Washington, D.C. to promote life, religious freedom, local control over education, authentic economic progress for working Americans, and a return to constitutional principles, such as federalism. Want to help American Principles Project? Visit their website today. Sign up for e-mail updates, send a small (or large) donation their way, help them out. They are a great group.

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