President Donald Trump speaks at CPAC 2018.
Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

President Donald Trump during a press gaggle on October 4, 2019, discussed a phone call with evangelical pastors where he alludes credited him with numeric growth within the church.

Watch the clip:

“I got a call the other night from pastors, the biggest pastors, evangelical Christians. They said, ‘we have never seen our religion or any religion so electrified.’ They said they have never seen anything like it. Churches are joining, hundreds of thousands of people, and you know that’s to a large extent because of you (the media) and your partners the Democrats.”

I don’t know who he spoke with or what exactly they said. I would like to think something got lost in translation. Also, President Trump has been known to embellish things *a little.*

Without a doubt, President Donald Trump has been excellent on the issue of religious liberty. No administration has taken the steps that he has taken to ensure the federal government will not trample on the religious freedom and conscience of Americans.

I have to give credit where credit is due.

I have to imagine that was pointed out in the phone call. Also mentioned was probably how the left has galvanized his support among evangelicals because of their radical agenda.

As a “Never Trump” voter in 2016 what I’m hearing from the Democratic candidates concerns me enough to consider voting for President Trump in 2020.

None of that translates to numeric growth or spiritual growth within the Church. In fact, I don’t see any indication that the Church in the United States is exploding with growth, in fact, polls seem to show the opposite or at least a decline in cultural Christianity.

The pastors could have meant evangelicals are motivated for 2020, but that still does not translate to numeric growth.

Historically considering the First and Second Great Awakening, to say Christians have never been so electrified is simply inaccurate.

Theologically speaking, the Holy Spirit, not current events or political causes or candidates initiates a revival.

His comments are just dense, and I pray that something was lost in translation because Christians, especially pastors, shouldn’t confuse political mobilization and activism with revival and church growth.

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