SIOUX CITY, Iowa – Vice Admiral Michael Frank (U.S. Navy, Ret.), a candidate for the Democratic nomination in Iowa’s U.S. Senate race, told Caffeinated Thoughts that he would prefer voters decide on whether or not President Donald Trump is removed from office.

Caffeinated Thoughts asked Franken, 62, his thoughts on President Trump’s impeachment and whether or not the U.S. Senate should vote to remove him before an appearance at the “Drinking Liberally” event at Buffalo Alice in Sioux City on Tuesday evening.

“Well, my preference is that the voters remove all of our executive from office when the voting population decides,” he told Caffeinated Thoughts.

Franken said he was one of the first candidates nationally who called for an investigation into President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine.

“In the executive branch, so much rides on ensuring no malfeasance exists it is imperative that however slight we think a wrongdoing was we must, we must, we must investigate,” he explained.

Franken said being outside of the process he doesn’t have access to all of the information Senators would have and “doesn’t have time for all of that.”

“I’m leaving that to the elected officials,” he added.

“But, ultimately, I would like to see the population base of America decide who the executive is by the voting ballot,” Franken concluded.

Caffeinated Thoughts also asked him what set him apart as a candidate in terms of policy compared to the other three candidates running for the Democratic nomination.

Franken told Caffeinated Thoughts that he is not aware of everyone’s policy. He said that he has drawn contrasts between himself and U.S. Senator Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, in the past.

“I think, first and foremost, I bring a rather expansive view of the world. I’ve lived on four different continents. I’ve moved a lot, I’ve worked with Iowans and Minnesotans and Texans all across the globe,” he noted.

“I can reach out across party politics. I’m bipartisan, tripartisan. Whatever it may be in terms of getting things done. And I’ve had a lot of experience in Washington pushing both appropriations and authorization measures through Congress that are for the betterment of all,” Franken said.

“I don’t think any of the other candidates have that kind of legislative depth, nor do they have that expansiveness from a trade policy and international relations (perspective) and also the chemistry associated with farming and the methodologies. I’m a physics person by training. I had a lot of science, so I think in the future as we look at climate change… I think you need to have a technical understanding of the topic to ensure that your policies promote a greener tomorrow,” he added.

Since Franken mentioned climate change, Caffeinated Thoughts asked whether he supported the Green New Deal.

“I support anything that is a stretch goal, I view as a stretch goal. Which means this is where we like to do and be idealistically and there’s some tenants of it that need to come together,” he said.

Franken said there has not been “a lot of meat put to the bones” of the Green New Deal and that needs to happen.

“We need to have a lot of studies. I need to see the numbers associated with it, but, ultimately, I am a big fan of people who have a long view vision of the world and we’re trying to reach some better future,” he added.

Watch Franken’s remarks and Q&A with “Drinking Liberally” group:

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