U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., at a town hall event in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., last Sunday at a rally held at NewBo City Market in Cedar Rapids, Iowa complained about Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. This is not unusual as President Donald Trump’s education secretary has been the target of practically every Democratic presidential candidate since the race began.

Warren, however, made a unique promise. She said that she would let a “young trans person” she met interview her potential Secretary of Education if elected and would only appoint that person if the trans youth approved.

She first said her top qualification for her Secretary of Education is experience teaching in a public school. Democrats have criticized DeVos for her experience advocating for school choice and lack of experience in a public school classroom.

Warren then said her Secretary of Education has to be trans-friendly.

“Because it came from a young, trans person who asked about a welcoming community and I said it starts with a Secretary of Education who has a lot to do with where we spend our money, what gets advanced in public schools, what the standards are. And I said I’m going to have a secretary of education that this trans person interviews on my behalf and only if this person believes that our Secretary or Secretary of Education nominee is committed to creating a welcoming environment and a full educational curriculum for everyone will that person actually be advanced to Secretary of Education,” she said.

Warren never identified who that young trans person was or his or her qualifications to vet potential candidates.

DeVos was roundly criticized by the left for rolling back the Obama Administration’s “Dear Colleague” guidance on transgender student accommodations. They have also complained about LGBTQ civil rights cases stalling under DeVos.

Title IX does not, however, consider sexual orientation and gender identity protected classes and conservatives pointed out that the Obama administration tried to go around Congress and redefine the law.


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