While many Americans watch the Super Bowl for the game, others flock to their televisions to watch the commercials. Running a commercial during the Super Bowl guarantees that thousands of people will hear your message or learn about your product. But that only works if your commercial is allowed to run, not blocked from the airwaves like a pro-life organization’s commercial.  

Faces of Choice is an organization dedicated to ensuring that the voice of those who have survived abortion attempts are heard: 

“Faces of Choice was birthed to bring awareness to a demographic of survivors that has gone largely unnoticed: those who were aborted but survived. While highlighting a few of the thousands of stories of survivors of abortion, who are living in the United States and throughout the world, we wish to emphasize the themes of hope, love, forgiveness, and often reconciliation, which characterize their lives.” 

The group filmed the following video highlighting the survivors of choice: 

When they tried to buy a slot to run a thirty-second version of the video during the Super Bowl, executives at Fox TV told them that there were no remaining slots. However, the organization quickly learned that several slots remained empty, and were not quickly filled. 

Faces of Choice launched a digital petition to encourage Fox TV to reverse its decision. Signed by over 51,000 people, the petition reads

“For months, FOX TV and FOX Sports have been blocking Faces of Choice from airing an ad during Super Bowl Sunday telling the stories of abortion survivors. We have thousands of survivors of abortion in the United States, and their voices must not be silenced. Faces of Choice was told by Fox executives there weren’t any more slots available for a thirty-second ad during Super Bowl Sunday, but we discovered that’s not true. There are ads spots still available.” 

This commercial will not be running during today’s Super Bowl. Therefore, pro-lifers should be dedicated to sharing a message that Fox TV was not willing to broadcast. This message, as Faces of Choice puts it, is that “Choice is not merely a word. Choice is a person.”

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