The New Hampshire Republican Primary was called early for President Donald Trump, and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders was declared the winner of the state’s Democratic primary later in the evening edging out former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

Here are the Republican Primary results (98 percent reporting) for the top four finishers:

  1. Donald Trump – 128,954 (85.5 percent) – 22 delegates
  2. Bill Weld – 13,700 (9.1 percent)
  3. Mary Maxwell – 921 (0.6 percent)
  4. Joe Walsh – 839 (0.6 percent)

Here are the Democratic primary results (98 percent reporting) for the top eight finishers:

  1. Bernie Sanders – 75,859 (25.7 percent) – 9 delegates
  2. Pete Buttigieg – 72,126 (24.4 percent) – 9 delegates
  3. Amy Klobuchar – 58,499 (19.8 percent) – 6 delegates
  4. Elizabeth Warren – 27,241 (9.2 percent)
  5. Joe Biden – 24,832 (8.4 percent)
  6. Tom Steyer – 10,664 (3.6 percent)
  7. Tulsi Gabbard – 9,598 (3.3 percent)
  8. Andrew Yang – 8,268 (2.8 percent)

U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., is the candidate who beat expectations coming out of New Hampshire. U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and former Vice President Joe Biden failed to win enough support to come out of the state with delegates, but committed to campaign on. Biden did not stay in the state, but traveled straight to South Carolina.

Andrew Yang and U.S. Senator Michael Bennett, D-Colo., both ended their campaigns tonight.

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