DES MOINES, Iowa – Theresa Greenfield, a Democratic candidate in Iowa’s U.S. Senate race, told a voter during a Zoom interview with J.D. Scholten on Monday evening that she would never compromise on abortion rights. 

Scholten, reading a question from a view named Jim, asked, “I hope you would agree that sometimes there is a need for compromise in Washington, would there be an issue upon which you’d be unwilling to compromise?”

“You know, as I travel, the state people want the divisiveness too. And I don’t think the expectation is that we’re going to get our way on everything. But we do want to have the fight. We want to have the discussion in the debate, which right now, Mitch McConnell, Joni Ernst, they’re not having that debate, because every bipartisan bill that comes over from the house is just sitting on his desk, and they’ve really stopped that democratic process. So I want to go and work together. I’ll stand up for so many things. But I know we’ll also have to make compromises along the way to get to get things done,” she said.

“So are there things that I say, ‘heck, no to’? Well, I will always defend a woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions that is uncompromising to me… Frankly, everybody needs to be able to make their own healthcare decisions, not just women. I’m not going to sidestep that one. And I suspect you know, everything else, we’re just going to have to have a good old fight about, but the people want us to have that debate. They want us to go in and bring ideas for 50 states together and think about the good of their country and the good of their home communities, of course,” Greenfield concluded.


Democrats have used “women’s choice,” “women’s healthcare,” and “reproductive rights” as a euphemism for abortion.

Greenfield does not directly state her support of abortion-on-demand on her website either. It reads in part, “For decades, politicians in Washington and in states across the country have attacked women’s health care rights with the goal of shutting down Planned Parenthood and pushing rigid, uncompromising restrictions that jeopardize women’s health and safety and interfere in complicated and deeply personal decisions. Thousands of people in the heartland rely on Planned Parenthood for their health care, serving a crucial part of our population.”

She boasts the endorsement of abortion advocacy groups Emily’s List and NARAL Pro-Choice America. Emily’s List is Greenfield’s largest donor giving the presumptive Democratic nominee $86,140 to date.

The annual Marist College/Knights of Columbus poll on abortion released in January found that seven in ten Americans, including nearly half of those who identify as pro-choice, want significant restrictions on abortion. They also found 65 percent of those polled would vote for a candidate who wants substantial restrictions on abortion. Also, six in ten Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortion. 

Watch Scholten’s entire conversation with Greenfield:

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