Our host, Shane Vander Hart, spoke with Col. Bill Schafer (U.S. Army, ret.), a candidate for the Republican nomination in Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District, about his campaign.

Schafer was an infantry officer who commanded soldiers at the platoon, company,
battalion, and brigade levels. He was first deployed to combat during Operation Desert Storm as Commander of C–Company for the 5th Cavalry. He deployed again for Operation Iraqi Freedom as Commander of the 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry. He served Pentagon on the Joint Staff as an operations officer and chief of staff. His last active duty assignment was with Rock Island Arsenal where he also worked as a civilian employee for the Department of the Army. He retired on May 11, 2019 to run for Congress.

He is a graduate of the Army’s Senior Service College. He graduated from Army Ranger School, Airborne School, and earned his Expert Infantry Badge.

He was awarded two Bronze Stars with valor for his actions in combat. He also was aware a Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit award, and as a civilian with the Superior Civilian Service Award.

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