Iowa’s 4th Congressional District Republican primary race is the epicenter of the battle against the swamp right now. You’ve seen attack ads and mailers paid for by billionaire coastal RINO-NeverTrumper, globalist, neocon elites. These are the people who now own Randy Feenstra. He may not know it yet, but I do because I’ve said “no” to them for years. I know their names and their agenda. I answer only to 4th District voters.

They know the Gang of Eight’s amnesty plan would be law today if not for Steve King. They know only one congressman with conviction stood on the steps of the Supreme Court and called for a constitutional traditional marriage decision in the Obergefell same-sex marriage case. Those folks are particularly unforgiving. The pseudo-pro life National Right to Life spitefully worked against and killed my HeartBeat bill. I called them out on the floor of Congress. Fact is, I’m a little more pro-Second Amendment than the NRA and a lot more pro-lfe than National Right to Life. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has awarded me their “Spirit of Enterprise” award every year. Now they and Karl Rove see an opening to advance the key issue upon which we disagree — amnesty for cheap foreign labor for their high-dollar hotel chains and franchises. They are a coalition of sore losers and, in NRLT’s case, sore winners.

This race is nationalized because I’m effective. I launched the presidential race on Jan. 24, 2015, with an all-day event featuring 12 of the eventual 17 Republican candidates. I opened the door and rolled out the red carpet for every presidential aspirant. I interviewed most of them in private, one on one. I searched to identify the most principled constitutional Christian conservatives and help get their message to caucusgoers. My candidate won Iowa. Elitist RINOs and NeverTrumpers will accept most any left-wing social agenda, but they are singularly aggrieved by successful conservatives. The next day an aggressive effort to recruit a primary opponent against me began. In 2016, they were able to convince their seventh candidate on their list. Feenstra was then fifth. In 2016, their off-the-shelf candidate took the bait. As far back as 2018, Feenstra took the bait and swallowed the hook.

Randy solicited and received support from the organizations that killed the repeal of Obamacare, promoted red-flag gun laws, killed the HeartBeat bill in Congress, fought for open borders and amnesty against me, and for whom Randy facilitated the expansion of gambling. There is not a single conservative organization behind him. No candidate ever turns to the right after the election. You are who you associate with. Birds of a feather flock together.

I write these things because voters need to know that it is a rare thing to have a congressman who has never caved into the mega power of the swamp. To have a representative who stood before you in his first nomination and said, “I will use this seat to move the political center to the right.” I have been lied about so many times that only God can keep track, but I have never gone back on my word. I have never let you down. I have run to the sound of the guns in every important fight. I have walked towards the fire and through the fire. I’m deeply tempered by the experience. I can face the swamp down because we’re right and they’re wrong and they know it.

I am humbled by the support the 4th District has given me and would appreciate your vote in the primary. We will sprint through the fire together, re-elect President Trump, take back the House from Nancy Pelosi, and Make America Great Again … Again!

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