Photo Credit: Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf/Twitter

Democrats have been absolutely incensed over the Trump Administrationā€™s sending of federal agents into Portland, Ore. Democrat Ted Wheeler, the Mayor of Portland, actually referred to it as ā€œTrumpā€™s occupation of this city.ā€

Itā€™s worth remembering that Mayor Wheelerā€™s city has been experiencing ā€œunrestā€ for weeks, that the Hatfield Federal Courthouse there has been under attack by rioters on a nightly basis, and rioters have been using everything from lasers to commercial-grade fireworks as weapons. Some officers have been seriously injured.

Itā€™s also worth remembering that Democrats are quite happy to use the force of the federal government when it suits them, and it takes a lot less than the chaos weā€™ve seen in Portland and other cities to motivate them to do so.

Consider Elian Gonzales, who was taken from his paternal relatives at gunpoint by federal agents under orders from the Clinton Administrationā€™s Attorney General Janet Reno. Or consider the disaster at Waco, TX when 79 members of the Branch Davidian cult died due to an advance on their compound by federal agents, also under orders from Reno.

For all their whining about Trump, Democrats are ordinarily much less reluctant to use force. Statism is in their party DNA. Thus, itā€™s truly pathetic to watch them grouse about the Feds attempting to stop the wholesale anarchy that Democrat mayors have allowed these protests to descend into.

This is Brian Myers with your Caffeinated Thought of the Week.

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