The United States is obviously not the only place where government lockdowns have been put in place as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some nations have had far more draconian lockdowns than others, of course. India’s lockdowns, for example, were extremely strict, with people actually being beaten and jailed if they were found outside of their homes when they weren’t supposed to be. Some unfortunate people were actually beaten to death.
No one expects this sort of thing to happen in the United States, and generally, no one would expect anything even resembling that to occur in the Western world. Yet there have been incidents in the West relative to the lockdowns that should concern us. One such incident occurred about a month ago in Australia.
Just like here in the U.S., the lockdowns have been very unpopular with some people in Australia. A young woman in Central Victoria named Zoe-Lee Buhler took to Facebook to promote a “Peaceful Protest” against the lockdowns. The event was to take place on September 5. Interestingly, her Facebook post instructed those attending the event to wear masks and practice social distancing measures. Apparently this Facebook event invitation was posted on August 30.
On September 2, police came to her house. They had a warrant, and said that Buhler was being arrested for “incitement.” They also explained that the warrant allowed them to seize any computers, cell phones, and other mobile devices that were on the property.
Buhler, still in her pajamas, was arrested and handcuffed.

Note that this didn’t happen in North Korea or China. This happened in Australia. This is a country that has codified rights of free expression and assembly. Note how easily these codified rights can be ignored when there is a “national emergency” like a pandemic. Note how easily a police state can develop when such “emergencies” occur. Think that could never happen in the United States?
Think again.
This is Brian Myers with your Caffeinated Thought of the Week.