On Saturday, media outlets declared Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 Presidential race. Court challenges aside, it appears that Trump’s presidency will be drawing to a close.

There’s plenty to be concerned about from my perspective. Biden is already talking about a “mandate” (he wins in a squeaker and says that?) “for action on COVID, the economy, climate change, systemic racism.” I shudder to think what those actions will be, but, whatever they are, I suspect they will be frivolous, expensive, restrictive, and ineffective.

Then, of course, there’s the whole business of “packing” the Supreme Court. Depending on how things shake out in the Senate, I suppose that’s actually a possibility. That would be an unmitigated disaster.

Yet, for me, what I find really disheartening is knowing that nothing will be done about what may well have been the biggest corruption scandal in my lifetime. 

I remain convinced that the FBI was weaponized against one presidential candidate (Donald Trump). At the same time, it deliberately looked the other way after the other presidential candidate (Hillary Clinton) committed a series of felonies. I never really cared if Donald Trump was or would be exonerated, I was much more interested in seeing Peter Strzok, James Comey, and Lorretta Lynch, among others, be held accountable for what they did. 

I’ve never been a Trump “fan-boy,” but I hate government overreach and corruption. Given enough time, I was confident that Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham would get to the bottom of the FBI’s Trump-Russia collusion investigation. The American people deserve to know how and why a handful of people let Hillary Clinton off the hook on the one hand and attempted to torpedo Donald Trump’s presidency on the other.

I am extremely skeptical that any meaningful action will be taken now, even if the Durham report ultimately is damning to various people in the FBI, the Dept. of Justice, or in the Obama White House.

One other observation: Perhaps the most relieved person on the planet on Saturday was Hunter Biden.

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