The news of Bethany Christian Services deciding to place children with same-sex couples nationwide recently illustrates for us the decision that we all may eventually have to make. 

Every Christian standing up to the sexual revolution will have to choose will they stand on their biblical convictions or will they acquiesce?

What will you choose? Your Christian convictions or _________________ (you fill in the blank). 

Bethany Christian Services chose government partnerships over their Christian convictions, and they did it without a fight. That may sound harsh, but it is true. The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in November in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia. In this case, a Roman Catholic adoption agency in Philadelphia challenged the city’s requirement that it place foster children with same-sex couples. A ruling is expected to come in June.

Bethany Christian Services acquiesced. 

They sacrificed their biblical convictions about marriage and family to continue to place foster care children and receive accolades from the world. This isn’t some minor theological issue; this is at the core of who they are. 

They could have been faithful to their mission and their convictions even without working directly with the government. There are still private adoption placements. They can always offer pregnancy counseling. They can still be a voice for vulnerable children, refugees, and families without government partnership.

If they have to scrap their Christian convictions, what makes them uniquely Christian? 

We, too, will one day face a choice. Christian colleges may have to choose between remaining faithful to their Christian convictions or federal student aid. An employee may have to choose between her job or accepting “diversity” policies that contradict biblical values.

It’s not hard to imagine this. We are already headed down this path. 

This isn’t just about treating LGBT people with dignity and respect. We should do that. We must do that. God has called us to love people. We have to draw a line between doing that and turning our biblical convictions about marriage and family on their head.

What will you choose? 

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