
One of my ‘resolutions’ for 2013 is to not allow myself to get caught up in all of the political bickering. I am done blaming the left for our problems. I am done blaming the right for our problems.

I am addressing this to Christian Conservatives: It is time to start accepting the responsibility ourselves. I have accepted the likelihood that my generation will not see any positive changes in Washington, D.C. – at least none of any significance – but if we do not get busy educating ourselves on a biblical worldview, learning the true history of our country and how it relates to that worldview, and knowing and understanding the original intent of the Constitution – generations that come after us will never stand a chance. We must learn and teach these things to our children and grandchildren.

It is time – at least for many of us – to start accepting the fact that we, as Christians and as Conservatives, have stood idly by and allowed the train to run off the tracks because we didn’t want to offend anyone by standing up for our beliefs. This is where it has gotten us.

If we do not commit to learning how to fully understand and embrace our foundation – we cannot expect to have any influence on where this country is headed. It is easy to complain about what the “other side” is doing or not doing. It is harder to accept the responsibility ourselves and put in the hard work and the effort to find the solution. That solution is not found in a political party or a candidate. The solution is found within us – each of us as an individual created by God. We can spend all the time and energy in the world finding the next great candidate – the one that everyone will vote for – but it still won’t make a difference. If the voters are not standing on a firm foundation of truth and principle they cannot be expected to make a decision that is best for them and best for our country as a whole.

There are Christians who have been duped into believing that they must conform to the view of the world on issues like abortion and marriage. They have been conned into believing that they are wrong if they believe in the sanctity of life and traditional marriage because they are told it is offensive. This is because they have allowed the world to mold their worldview – not God. It is the result of a weak foundation. This is a result of not understanding the biblical worldview they are called to possess.

There are Conservatives who have been manipulated into believing that the rich aren’t paying their fair share. They have been tricked into believing they have to compromise with the left on everything – often times forsaking what they really believe in order to do so. This is the result of a weak foundation. This is a result of not having a true understanding of the Constitution and the founding of this country.

So where does change start? It starts with us. It starts with our families: our kids and grandkids. It starts in our churches, our communities, our towns, our counties, our states. We have to raise up the next generation of leaders from the foundation of what is true. We cannot create them any other way.

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