unrecognizable couple in restaurant on date with wineglasses
Photo by Katerina Holmes on Pexels.com

Marriage is a gift from God, and so is wine. Both are symbols of  God’s blessing throughout the Bible.

Marriage and wine, both are costly, and both should get better over time.

We have learned to invest in our marriage, we travel together and leave the kids behind, because we know that we need to invest in our vineyard. There are times when you need to go away with your spouse and work hard in your land, you need to pull together weeds and after a long day of work, sit and drink from the fruit of your labor, from the richness of your marriage. From the fruit of your vineyard.

I have learned to taste and love wine with my husband. Wine describes perfectly love in a godly marriage.

Rich, full of body and with a deep color, so tasty.

Beauty fills the cup, red reminds me of a consuming passion, Christ’s love for His church, and my husband’s love for me.

Have you drank with your spouse from this cup lately?

Have you walked through your vineyard?

Have you drank of this passionate love that grows better over time?

I also love the thought that when you drink wine, and you really want to grasp its fullness, you need to stop. You must slow down; you hold the cup in your hand and look at it, and smell it, and taste it little by little, and again, it is just like marriage, just like the mystery of becoming one; just like my Bible reading; just like a kiss from the one that my soul loves. Have you stopped lately to grasp the fullness, the beauty, the mystery of your own marriage?

Slow down, taste, little by little, smell it, look at it, gaze upon its beauty, rejoice, laugh. It s God’s gift to you.

Walk through your vineyard, and rejoice in the marriage God has given you.

Take the time to walk through it and pull out weeds, lest some foxes find a place to hide, and destroy it.

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