I have recently found great articles, concerning the Incarnation of our Lord among our Caffeinated Calvinists Network, and thought that you might be interested in visiting some of them.

Jon shares with us something that would make a great gift idea, the book A Puritan Bible Primer,please read an excerpt from the book, one of the poems for children to learn the Ten Commandments, at Justification by Grace.

Scott shares some thoughts on how we need a different perspective to see things this Christmas knowing that “His perspective is the clearest and best.” Read more at By Grace Alone.

Our friends at The Bible Christian have posted some great quotes to make us think and gaze at the greatest miracles of all, God become man! The first one is entitled Mary Chosen to be the Mother of Jesus, then we can read the words of A.W Tozer, He Came! (Oh, how I love this one!) and lastly In Mary’s Womb. (I am sure other great quotes will come soon)

Barry posted a great hymn, Advent: A Song of Salvation and Judgment, he says about this hymn, “It’s a sobering reminder that Christ’s coming brings not only salvation, but also judgment–a reminder we all need.”

I am also writing about The Incarnation of our Lord, so please, be welcome to visit my place; you will also find some practical ideas on how to celebrate Christmas by the hour, and some great quotes on the Incarnation of our Lord.

What music are you listening this Christmas? I would love to recommend you a few of my favorites:

Veni Emmanuel, this is a different option in which carols are sung in Latin. I give it five stars.

The Word Became Flesh, “This album is a musical interpretation and celebration of the incarnation of the Son of God. The biblical narrative from creation through the fall to redemption is retold as familiar hymns, Christmas carols, and new choral pieces are performed, resulting in an epic presentation of salvation that resonates in mind and heart.”

Savior, Celebrating the Mystery of God Become Man; this CD ” is an exaltation of the One who resolved that dilemma through the miracle of the Incarnation. The baby in a manger is God himself, the Savior who came to bear our sins and reconcile us to the Father.” I just can’t listen to this once; there so much in it!

Well, coffee is brewing and I am ready for it,

Have a most wonderful day!

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