I’ve been debating whether or not to post on this, but it really has been bothering me the more I hear about it.  I believe in the freedom of speech, and the right to protest.  I understand completely why members of the homosexual community and other supporters of same-sex marriage wanted to protest in light of the passage of Proposition 8 in California.  However, the actions of some (I am not saying everybody) within the homosexual community during this protest is beyond the pale.

The first I became aware of it  was from a post at From Their Own Mouths that linked to a local news video of a pro-proposition 8 person being accosted in Palm Springs, CA.  You can watch the video below. 

To the group’s credit some of the protestors did approach the news crew apologizing for those protestors behavior saying, “this isn’t what we are all about,” but I wonder about the leadership of the organizing groups? 

Chuck Colson today listed some other examples of this type of response in his commentary today citing an AP story:

Two days after the election, 2,000 homosexual protesters surrounded a Mormon temple in Los Angeles chanting “Mormon scum.” Protesters picketed Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church, holding signs reading “Purpose-Driven Hate.” Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills was spray painted. Church members’ cars have been vandalized, and at least two Christians were assaulted. Protesters even hurled racial epithets at African-Americans because African-Americans voted overwhelmingly in favor of traditional marriage.

Last time I checked free speech does not encompass vandalism or assault.  I also find it amazing that there are those who preach tolerance are using “hate speech.”  Is this tolerance?  I’d say not in modern or classical definition of the word.  I would hope that leadership with the homosexual community would condemn these actions just as mainstream defenders of traditional marriage have condemned the actions of Fred Phelps and Westboro Baptist Church.

Update 11/15/08:  Apparently Mormons are receiving letters containing a white powder.  Nice.  How tolerant.

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