The ad below is being released statewide by Rick Santorum’s campaign in Nevada and Colorado.  This has to be the first negative ad he has run, and this targets Newt Gingrich.  Maybe he’s getting sick of Newt telling him to leave the race.  Gingrich didn’t seem to be concerned about unifying the conservative vote in Iowa or New Hampshire… hmmm… Interesting to note that both Santorum and Paul fare better in head to head matchups with Obama I’d think Santorum would be wise to mention this over and over and over again.

Here’s the ad below:


Here is the text of the ad below:

Voice Over:

On the other sides of these cards are the picture of three politicians.

Here’s some clues as to who they are.

All three supported radical cap and trade legislation that would destroy American jobs and drive up energy costs.

All three supported giving illegal aliens some form of amnesty.

All three sported the government health mandates which take away our freedom and is the core of Obamacare.

And all three of these politician’s supported the Wall Street bailouts that was a slap in the face to the Tea Party.

Who are these three Cap and Trade lovin, bailout supporting, soft of immigration, big government mandating politicians? ….Now you know.

Rick Santorum for President, he doesn’t just talk a good conservative game, he lives it.

Rick Santorum: I’m Rick Santorum and I approve this message

This is a pretty effective ad, but pretty tame compared to the ones Romney and Paul have run against Gingrich and tamer than what Gingrich has been doing to Romney.  Unlike some of their negative ads this is completely factual.

Photo by Dave Davidson –

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