Rush Limbaugh in discussing the left’s coordinated attack saying conservatives are against contraceptives highlighted my October 19, 2010 interview with Rick Santorum.  The left and mainstream media have gone nuts over this already and so it has caught the attention of Mr. Limbaugh.  Audio of his mention is above.  Here is a transcript of his comments:

RUSH: Now, to illustrate what I was just talking about regarding how the Democrats and the media work together to set up just outrageous characterizations and lies. First, here’s Santorum October 21st last year. He’s appearing on a blog called Caffeinated Thoughts. The editor of this blog, Shane Vander Hart, asks, “What’s at Rick Santorum’s core? What are your core values, your convictions, the hills that you will die on?”

SANTORUM: (bad audio) We’ll repeal Obamacare and get rid of the any idea that you have to abortion coverage and contraceptive coverage. One of the things I will talk about that no president has talked about is, I think, the dangers of contraceptives in this country. The whole sexual libertine idea. Many in the Christian faith have said, “Contraception’s okay.” It’s not okay. It’s a license to do things in the sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.

RUSH: If you were unable to hear that, I have the transcript. He said, “We’ll repeal Obamacare and get rid of the any idea that you have to abortion coverage and contraceptive coverage. One of the things I will talk about that no president has talked about is, I think, the dangers of contraceptives in this country. The whole sexual libertine idea. Many in the Christian faith have said, ‘Contraception’s okay.’ It’s not okay. It’s a license to do things in the sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.” So Santorum clearly is suggesting this is an area the feds ought not be involved in. All it does is promote aberrant behavior that causes cultural rot and decline. (interruption) I know. It’s been the Church’s position for centuries, and he’s a Catholic. Exactly right. There’s nothing new here. That’s my point. This has been the Church’s position. Now, the Church doesn’t preach this anymore. That was the point of Paul Rahe’s piece at Ricochet the other day. The Church has totally thrown in with the Democrat Party on this stuff. So last night on MSNBC, Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson was on. He got this question: “Are we headed toward a November election that is the pro-birth control party against the anti-birth control party?”

ROBINSON: That cannot be a good idea for the Republicans to go into a November election as the anti-birth control party. Tha… I’ve tried to figure this out from every sort of cynical, smart politics angle I can figure it out from (gasp) and it doesn’t matter for me. What’s the figure? Something like 98% of American women use some form of birth control at some point during their lives? How can you be against that?

RUSH: All right, so that’s one example. Now, up next yesterday on Capitol Hill. This during a Senate Democrat press conference. Senator Frank “The Lout” Lautenberg (Democrat-New Jersey) had this to say about the Republican Party.

LAUTENGERG: (haltingly) The GOP agenda gives women one option: Barefoot and pregnant. It’s time to tell the Republicans to mind their own business. Our side believes that women should be able to choose the paths in life that’s best for them. And that’s why President Obama wants to make birth control more affordable. Contraception is basic health care. And it’s essential for individuals to choose when they want to have a career and when they want to start a family. This is an attack by the Men’s Club here.

RUSH: So this… Now Republicans want women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Exactly what I said! Exactly! I didn’t know this was in the roster until Cookie pointed it out to me. This is exactly, exactly what I knew (I even said it last half hour) was gonna happen.

Regarding the bad audio in the video that some have whined about… in my defense, I used a flip cam in a noisy restaurant and had no idea it was going to be played on national syndicated radio.  Those who complain are more than welcome to hit the tip jar to help me buy better equipment.   Seriously though, I’m glad he brought this up.  Rick’s position is personal belief, it’s one that as an evangelical I don’t entirely agree with, but here’s the major difference between his position and Obama’s – he won’t make his belief about contraceptives a mandate.  He’s not going to try to get them banned, but where I do agree with him – he doesn’t believe the Federal government should subsidize or violate religious liberty by forcing religious, specifically Catholic, organizations to cover contraceptives in health insurance policies they provide to their employees.

Here’s the video of that interview topic at hand starts at about the 19:00 minute mark (the direct audio will probably be better as well):

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