During April I invite you to follow a wonderful series that I will be hosting at my blog entitled, Doctrines in the Kitchen. During this series, a wonderful group of godly Reformed women will be sharing about different doctrines and how these have influenced their lives. (The list of contributors is a secret, a surprise I am sure, you will enjoy every day)

The purpose of this series is not to teach doctrine,  but to stir the heart of women to study the Word of God, to dig deeper into it. To take up those “big Theology books”,  to study them,  and embrace the Word. Only the Word of God can be a sure anchor for our faith, and in the days in which we are living, in which strong winds are blowing many away, we need to hold fast to the sure Word of God. Every week, then, we will be adding different resources for women to study the different doctrines that we will be sharing, and at the end of the month, we will have a big giveaway. (You can already see this week’s resources here)

I hope to see you there, and remember that your friends are welcome too, so pass the voice!

The kitchen smells delicious and believe me, the women in the Kitchen are wonderful, you don’t want to miss what they have prepared for you!

Off to the Kitchen, now….



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