image One of The Journey’s focuses is helping people see their mission from God is to be an agent of change in this world, or to help things be “on earth as it is in heaven.” We do this by listening to His will, and responding in action.

One of the action steps we took was to provide financial assistance to a school in Africa in which a brother of one of our members works.  We recently got a picture and an itemized list of what they used the money for.  They were able to buy all the books they needed for the coming school year, and still have half the money left to use next year.  Praise God! It is so amazing when we do something that seems so tiny and God is able to turn it into an amazing event half-way round the world. Above is a picture of some of the teachers and students with some of their new purchase. We just thank God for allowing us to be part of His plan here on earth.

How and where is God leading you to join Him in His mission?

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