Apparently “Rev.” Barry Lynn isn’t just harassing Pastor Cary Gordon, but he’s sending threatening letters to other churches as well for activity that no one disputes is legal.  Pastor Jeff Mullen of Point of Grace Church in Waukee, IA who recently launched Iowa Pastors – a coalition that exists to help equip pastors to encourage their congregations to be engaged in the political process.

He responds to Americans United for the Separation of Church and State’s letter that is being sent out to our state’s pastors.

The brief from the Liberty Institute that Pastor Mullen refers to can be found here.  I also have it embedded below:

Churches and Elections

You can also find their non-partisan voter guides here: Iowa 1st Congressional District, Iowa 2nd Congressional District, Iowa 3rd Congressional District, Iowa 4th Congressional District and Iowa 5th Congressional District.  They also have information on the judicial retention vote.

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