The third of the seven last “words” of Christ.

When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son!” Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother!” And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home, (John 19:26-27, ESV).

Jesus was thinking of the welfare of those he loved even while on the cross.  Even though He was suffering, he looked down at His mother who would be undoubtedly distressed.  He appointed the “disciple whom he loved,” John as the one to look after His mother.  How utterly selfless.  His first three “words” were addressed to those who were killing him, to the thief that placed his faith in Him, and now His mother.  All that without speaking of His needs.

Originally posted on 4/8/09 at Caffeinated Thoughts.

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