Alaska Governor Sarah Palin gave her first national interview (at least I think it is) of the new year.  She helped kick off Glenn Beck’s new show on Fox News.  I haven’t really watched him much, and won’t get to much because of the time slot.

I think this was a pretty good interview for a couple of reasons:

  • It wasn’t about the media or the campaign.  I think, in my humble opinion, that she needs to get away from both of those topics.  The campaign is done and we need to move past.  So my advice would be not to do anymore interviews on that subject and only do an interview about the media if there is something new that needs to be rebutted or corrected.
  • I appreciate the tone of the interview and her answer, “Barack Obama will be my President.”  I echo that sentiment.  That doesn’t mean I will be supportive of every policy, but I will support him where I can.  I will also show him the respect due him as President of the United States.

Update: Here’s the entire interview.


HT: Team Sarah

One of the things that endears her to her supporters is that she is so much like us, and I think that comes out in the rest of the interview.

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