Well, we knew it was coming, and now it is official.  President Obama will allow non-governmental organizations working abroad to use U.S. funding to give counseling on or provide abortions.

Major Garrett of Fox News reports:

President Obama will issue an executive order on Thursday reversing the Bush administration policy that bans the use of federal dollars by non-govermental organizations that discuss or provide abortions outside of the United States.

Obama will sign the executive order on the 36th anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion in all 50 states.

The policy, known in governmental circles as the “Mexico City policy,” requires any non-governmental organization to agree before receiving U.S. funds that they will “neither perform nor actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations.”

President Obama yesterday in his inaugural speech referred to the Declaration of Independence when he said:

The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness.

What he failed to mention was the Founders emphasis on life, which this policy will help end, and liberty of which ours will be violated if the very people who oppose abortion will suddenly have to help fund it through our taxpayer dollars.

While it may only be symbolic in nature I would encourage you to contact the White House to let President Obama know that you don’t approve of your taxpayer money being used to end life.

Update: The Mexico City Policy will not be overturned today.

David Brody writes:

A source with knowledge of the situation says the fact that Obama will not issue this executive order today (on the same day of the huge March for Life rally in DC) sends a strong signal to religious leaders across the political spectrum that President Obama wants to set a different tone in Washington.

That is good news, but I’m not holding my breath that this won’t be done.  Brody goes on.

It is unclear whether Obama intends to reverse the Mexico City Policy at some point in the future but this reliable source tells me that this move signals that Obama will stress the need for reducing abortions in this country rather than focus on the divisive tit for tat policy reversals of the past. As a matter of fact, President Obama may actually release an abortion related statement today about this need to reduce them. The point here is that President Obama has opted out of the “in your face” politics of the past. He may reverse Mexico City Policy at some point. Many on both sides of the abortion debate expect he probably will at some point but today is a day where Obama took the more tactful and less confrontational approach.

2nd Update 1/23/09: Sounds like he’s going to sign the executive order today in a “low key” event.  Oh how generous of him.  Please continue to contact him to let him know your disagreement with this decision.  He needs to understand that he is out of touch on this issue.

HT: Jeff Angelo

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