Christie-Vilsack (1)(AMES, IA) – The King for Congress campaign today called for answers from 4th Congressional District candidate Christie Vilsack as she prepares to appear on Iowa Public Television’s “Iowa Press.”

Iowans deserve answers to the following issues that Christie Vilsack consistently ducks:

  1. Do you support government-run healthcare, ObamaCare, that has cost Iowans in the 4thCongressional District their jobs, cuts Medicare by $500 billion and puts seniors’ health in the hands of 15 unelected bureaucrats?
  2. In an August 24, 1994 column in the Mount Pleasant News, you wrote, “The time has come to make English the official language of this country.” Do you still believe English should be the official language of America?
  3. You have criticized Congressman King’s vote against the Economic Stimulus Package.Would you have voted in favor of the stimulus package that was filled with pork barrel spending and special interest giveaways that stimulated nothing but the size of the federal government?
  4. Why did you think it was necessary to violate the campaign pledge you and your husband made regarding not accepting money from organizations that lobby the USDA? Does violating this pledge lead to a conflict of interest?
  5. Would you support a bi-partisan Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that ties spending to GDP and requires a super majority vote to raise taxes?
  6. In 2003 you told the Des Moines Register, “Keeping our home and our ties with our hometown (Mount Pleasant) is one of the most important decisions we’ve made, because it has kept us grounded in what’s really important in life – friends, family and community.” Why did you decide to move to the 4th District to run in a district you have never lived in?
  7. Would you agree with President Bill Clinton, who headlined a ritzy New York fundraiser for you, in supporting the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts? Do you want to pass a $494 billion tax hike on to businesses that are trying to create jobs?
  8. Pro-abortion groups such as Emily’s List and Planned Parenthood have donated over $100,000 to your campaign. Liberal icons David Axelrod, Bill Daley and Nancy Pelosi have contributed to your campaign. Do you share their values or Iowans’ values?

Iowans of the 4th Congressional District deserve answers. It’s time for Christie Vilsack to stop ducking the questions, ditch the vague, head-scratching answers and tell Iowans where she stands on the issues.

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