
Rick Santorum was interviewed by ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, where Santorum went after Obama’s abuse of power via the executive order.

When you look at this President going out and saying, “I’m gonna change the law on welfare. I’m gonna change the work requirement.”  Something we fought for, President Clinton signed, this was a huge transformation on the welfare rolls, dramatic reductions, increase in employment, reductions in poverty, probably the single greatest accomplishment social-welfare-wise of the last 20 years, and President Obama gets up and says, “Nope, I’m gonna change the law by speaking.” This sounds like a two-bit dictator, not a president of the United States.  You do not change the law by speaking.

This is a president who has put way too much authority in the President’s office….

… (Mitt Romney) also has to talk about this imperial presidency. My grandfather left El Duce in Italy, who could get up and change the law by giving a speech.  We do not need another person who thinks they can simply get up, give a speech, change the law and then dare Congress….

(Karl responds “you’re comparing the President of the United States to Mussolini.”)

… What he is doing is out there.  He is abusing power like I’ve never seen a president do.

He also discussed Romney’s VP pick, and said having a prolife running mate is a “non-negotiable.”  You can watch the full interview here.

Update: Heritage has an informative article on Obama’s move to bypass the welfare reform law.

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