Warren_BuffettAccording to The Des Moines Register, Christie Vilsack and Sally Pederson’s “Iowa Initiative”, the crazy birth control promotion group bankrolled by billionaire Warren Buffet, spent $35 million to pay for IUDs and implanted hormone devices in Iowa. These devices according to The Register cost $350-1,200 a device.

Planned Parenthood, a big beneficiary, increased its patient visits for IUDs and Implanon from 550 in its fiscal year ending in 2007 to 4,645 in its fiscal year ending in 2009. But abortions at Planned Parenthood didn’t go down, they went up.

At Iowa Right to Life, we know there are much better ways to spend $35 million of Warren Buffet’s money. Here are some of them:

10. 9,408,602 gallons of gas from Casey’s General Stores

9.  A $400,000 check to each of our pregnancy resource centers

8. 10,000 bags of Fritos

7. Fat Boy Harleys for all the pro-lifers in the Iowa legislature and everyone on staff

6. A panda for the Blank Park Zoo

5. A new locker room for East High School in Des Moines and 349 other schools in Iowa

4. Ten 30-second Iowa Right to Life / Tim Tebow commercial spots for the Super Bowl

3. The Weather Beacon to go on top of our Iowa Right to Life office

2. Full-ride scholarships to Iowa’s universities for 500 of our favorite pro-life college students

1. The town of Fertile, Iowa

Any other ideas for Better Ways to Spend Warren Buffet’s $35 million in Iowa?  Leave it on our Facebook page. (Editor’s note, I’d appreciate feedback in the comments here as well!)

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