
I’ll be participating in my 3rd debate live chat with The Des Moines Register for the general election we’ll be providing commentary during the 2nd Romney-Obama Debate taking place at Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY.  I’ll be one of the panelists and I will be joined by Dianne Bystrom, the director of Iowa State University’s Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics; John Deeth, a local liberal blogger;  and Graham Gillette, a public affairs consultant.   We’ll get kicked off at 8:00p or shortly before.

Some pre-debate items to discuss for an open thread.  Look at this graphic tweeted by the Heritage Foundation.

Then reporters are preparing for the debate tonight by drinking free beer, just awesome.  CNN’s Candy Crowly is planning on going rogue moderating tonight’s town hall style debate in violation of her contract (maybe she’s joining the other reporters for free beer).  She’s not supposed to reinterpret questions or ask follow-up questions.  Today’s Gallup daily tracking poll has Mitt Romney up on Barack Obama by four points among likely voters – 50% to 46%

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