liberal-media-loves-hillary-petitionWe live in a free country.  NBC and CNN are well within their rights to make a feature film or documentary on Hillary Clinton if they so choose.  I believe the timing close to 2016 is suspect, but then again I have come to expect the mainstream media to shill for their favorite Democrat and shape the narrative surrounding him or her.  They’ve been doing it for years.  I also believe that Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus is within his rights to tell the networks that if that happens that the RNC “will neither partner with you in 2016 primary debates nor sanction primary debates which you sponsor.”  Priebus has given the networks until August 14th to decide.

Not only do I believe Priebus is within his rights as the party chairman to take this stand, but it was the responsible action to take.  NBC and CNN should consider what is more important – shilling for Hillary or being able to participate with the Republican primary race.

It’s a rally cry that can also unify the party.

“For far too long, Republicans have stood back and watched helplessly as news networks have covered anything but news, instead using their platforms to promote left leaning policies and candidates within the Democratic Party, said Iowa GOP Chair A.J. Spiker.  “It’s time Republicans pushed back and refuse to let these media outlets decide who our next President will be. The Iowa GOP supports Reince Priebus in his decision and looks forward to helping the RNC start a new chapter in how Republicans across the country stand up to a biased media.”

Agreed.  We have allowed it to continue for far too long.  It isn’t just the First-in-the-Nation state Republicans who are crying foul, but South Carolina as well.

“I say, ‘Not in South Carolina!’ to debates produced by networks that act more like Hillary Clinton’s campaign team than unbiased news sources,” said South Carolina GOP Chair Matt Moore. “Such political favoritism has no place in American journalism. It’s unacceptable, and those networks have no business hosting Presidential debates in South Carolina unless they stop production.”  GOP leaders in New Hampshire support this request as well.

Well done, Mr. Priebus.

Bot the RNC and the Iowa GOP have petitions that can be signed.

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